Experience among the largest player owned ships in the Verse
Explore, crew, and fly some of the biggest ships in Star Citizen, the capital ships, brought to you by Enlist Citizen, join the Fight!
Explore, crew, and fly some of the biggest ships in Star Citizen, the capital ships, brought to you by Enlist Citizen, join the Fight!
Did you know this about Star Citizen Capital ships?
The Javelin is expected to be 480 meters long
the Kraken is 270 meters,
the Idris is 233 to 242 meters depending on the variant,
the Polaris 155 meters, etc.
While the average player owned ship in Star Citizen is between 18 to 24 meters
While the Javelin has an additional day all for itself,
for the rest of our Capital Ships this is the day set aside for them.
We have a ton of capitol and large multi crew ships and they need crew! If you’re interested just let us know!